Monday, February 27, 2012

What good are they?

Isa 2:22 Don’t put your trust in mere humans.
They are as frail as breath.
What good are they?

The book of Isaiah is one of the most amazing books in the bible. It's rich with truth, imagery and prophesy like no other book in the bible. Chapter 2 speaks of a day when the only one who will be glorified will be God himself. "There is a day" the prophet writes when God alone will be glorified.

We live in a very strange world where the glory of man is most important. It's the focus of most of media. It is a world that's all about us. The oscar awards last night are the pinnacle of this world about us. But one day all of that will be put away and only one will be most honored. Only one will be lauded.

As I watch how our world system has worked out I long for that day when only God will be trusted, only God will be glorified. I long for the day when we will realize our amazing frailty and no longer let pride or personal glory be part of our lives, but will give glory to the only one who deserves it.

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