Monday, February 27, 2012


My roles change this morning. My job changes as a pastor. It's exciting. It's frankly a little daunting. Last night I met with a wonderful group of our lay leaders in church and handed them my job. They have been doing much of it already, but last night we gave them the whole thing...including leadership. These are great days for our church as we empower the body more intentionally to do the work of ministry and reach their world with the gospel. Changes are often difficult, but these are the right changes....changes that pastors must make if they are to see the body of Christ grow. I'm excited to see how much better they will do with these ministries than I have done. I know they will.

So what do I do? It's exciting to reinvent yourself. Now I get to dream a bit. What do I want to do? How do I best use the gifts God has given me for his glory? What does he want me to do? Now, you may think I'm saying I'm leaving my current church. I'm not. It's just the next step in a church living out body life together. I've worked myself out of my job and that's a good thing. Now I get to see what God has in store for me in the days ahead. I'm excited for my church, my amazing lay leaders who have joyfully taken on these roles and for see what God has for us next.

1 comment:

  1. I love it; this is, as it should be. Exciting times for you and your church family!
