Wednesday, February 29, 2012

At 3am in the morning

Nothing feels good at 3am in the morning except a bed, but for some reason I can't sleep tonight. I don't really have anything to say at this horrible hour, but I thought I would just free write and see what happens. Obviously my brain is numb so who knows what will come out. I've been thinking about the upcoming sabbatical that I will be taking. I'm excited about it, but also want to make sure I use the time, time with my sweet wife, spiritual refreshment, reading, some travel, some ministry if I can find the right thing, and who knows what else. I want to do some things I have never done before- I want to go on a silent retreat, I would like to (believe it or not) fast for a week. I want to read a good novel. I don't do novels....not enough now would be the time to fit one in. I would love recommendations if you have one you really like. I got one by Ian Wilson and plan to read it, but would welcome other suggestions. I also plan to just turn off my cell phone. I know that will be painful, but I'm really looking forward to it. To not be tethered to the rest of the world for a bit sounds really good....I guess I do need some time away. I also want to visit some other churches. I have no idea what others are doing, so I want to do some "church shopping" during the break to see what's going on around me. And, if you don't mind, I want to journal my time here. I would use a paper journal, but my hand writing is so bad at this point in my life that no one could read it. I guess I should have become a doctor because I write like one. Anyway, just a few thoughts at 3am in the morning. I'll add more if I can't get these old eyes to close and rest a bit......have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I can certaily relate to needing a break and a getaway!
