Wednesday, February 15, 2012


How do you sum up 38 years?

How do you capture the tears, the laughter, the pain, the joy of life with another person?

I think these questions are the secret treasure of a couple who have lived their lives together through good and bad days. Today is our 38th anniversary. 38 years. I can't be old enough to be married that long, but here we are growing old together, taking care of each other, leaning on one another as we finish this race together.

Reflections of a life with another person always contain good days and bad, but what I realize is the good days seem to make the bad days dim in my memory. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I find my memory of the hard days, the days of tears (and there were many) fade in my memory as I look back and remember a rich life of joy, happiness and living through the difficult days with another person who loves me.

The stories of 38 years together describe in broad brush strokes the great love of God in two lives as they keep their promises and care for one another. It is a little picture of Christ and his church. A bride and groom in love with one another, caring for each other and keeping promises.

This morning, as I reflect on my life with my sweet wife I must tell you I am blessed and grateful. God is so good.


  1. Congratulations Mike! I am coming up on my 10 year anniversary in March.

  2. So blessed that you remember the good times over the bad. All life has its ups and downs. We are closing in on 35 years. Looking back at a life with 4 chosen children, so many scout meetings, and trips all over our great country in an 1975 yellow camper van. Life in Christ with my family makes me smile. Enjoy your day and your beautiful wife.

  3. So sweet. What a tribute to your wife and a godly marriage. Thanks for sharing with us all.
