Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Amazing discovery

World’s tiniest chameleon is the size of match’s head

Meet Brookesia micra, the newly discovered world's smallest chameleon. This wee creature was discovered on an island off of Northern Madagascar, where a biological expedition found these tiny beasts snoozing in vegetation a mere four inches off the ground.

I am constantly amazed by the new discoveries made each year of animals and vegetation that we never knew existed before. And that's just on our small little planet.

With that as a backdrop I'm humored by the scientists who claim to know with assurance how the universe came into being and declare boldly "there is no God!" How are we so bold to declare knowledge of time, space and creation when we still don't know what's on our own planet?

Personally, I think these new discoveries just make God smile. He has made an amazing world, a wonderful universe and with all that we think we know we are just beginning to discover life here. It makes me very aware of how little science really does know about anything. So, as you listen to Dawkins and Harris speak boldly about what we "know" think of this little chameleon and smile. They don't know as much as they think they know.

I'll rest in Genesis 1 where God simply says, "I'm here and I made it all." I'm good with that.

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