Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Top Ten Worst Valentine's Day Gifts"

#10. An appliance, any appliance

#9. A chain saw

#8. Clothes (Trust me, you will never get the right thing OR the right size.)

#7. Candy

#6. A gift card


Here's where you get to help me. Let's work on the top 5 together. What are the top 5 worst Valentine's day gifts ever?


  1. When Brian and I were dating, on our first Valentine's day together, he gave me a stuffed bear that his ex-girlfriend had given him a few years before.

  2. ouch. I'm sorry, Jamie....I'm sure he will never live that down! very funny.

  3. Oh, anonymous, you would be in real trouble with that one. One of the men I know bought a scale years ago and has yet to live it down. That would be #1 on the list for most women.

  4. A friend of mine gave his wife a treadmill. It is now a permanent overflow laundry holder.
