Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Take a few minutes. Watch this video. Tell me what you think....

1 comment:

  1. I have to main thoughts:

    1. This makes me very proud of how Missions oriented CBC is. Impact was and continues to currently be one of the largest outreach efforts I have ever seen a single church put on. And that of course does not even count the many missionaries that are supported via our church body.

    2. We still have a long way to go. His accusations cut deep and remain true even in our congregation. Many that shared last Sunday of their most impactful moments confessed that the encountered a sincerity of worship and a power of Almighty God unlike anything they've ever experienced before. That confession, while victorious in the moment, is also sad when you follow its conclusions. They SHOULD be getting that kind of sincere worship and powerful experience without having to go to Africa to find it!!!
