Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hold on!

I've been thinking about my own walk with God, my life as a Christian lately. I've been thinking about what a life of a Christian should look like. I wonder that because my own walk with God isn't really very exciting. Sometimes it's just downright boring! I seldom have brilliant thoughts. I seldom stand out as a wonderful witness for the faith. It's rare when I feel that I have had a great day as a Christian.

So, I've been thinking about my walk with God. What should it look like? What should I be doing? Am I missing something? Is there more than I know to this walk with God?

I think I ask these questions because I want to make sure I'm not missing something. I don't want to finish poorly. While many are optimists I find that I am the perpetual pessimist. I am always asking, "what did I miss? what didn't I do?" instead of enjoying what I did do right, what I did understand.

Like a good mountain climber I would be the guy dreading the fall instead of enjoying the view. It's a challenge to enjoy the moments when life and death are in the balance, but there are two simple rules for a mountain climber, 1. never let go (hold on!) and, 2. keep climbing. You may not be at the top yet, but you are further than you were an hour ago. Mountain climbing, like the Christian life, is just boring hard work at times, but the rewards are amazing. As the climber nears the summit there is a growing excitement in both the quest and the distance down. The key thing to remember is this- all the work and effort will rewarded at the summit, it will be worth the work, just hold on and keep climbing.

I wonder....even as I think about my walk as a Christian, how much of this is simply a step by step climb to the summit? How basic are the rules for us? 1. Hold on and, 2. Keep climbing! Hold onto God, your faith, the word, other believers. Hold on, and keep climbing, don't stop! There's no place to rest here, the only rest is at the summit. Keep going, don't give up. It will be worth all the effort once we reach the top.

Jesus spoke of this in Revelation when he said through John, "To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne." That will be the ultimate mountain top experience!


  1. I have had you on my mind and praying for you ongoing and especially lately. I'm praying for you and your loved ones. I think similar thoughts in your writing and so enjoy reading yours. You didn't even know someone was praying for you. Just think how many others like me may have been/are doing the exact same thing!!

    Just like Steven K. said on FB, I agree whole heartedly. Sometimes the view can be seen and everything is refreshing after a tough climb, to enjoy and soak in... and then back to climbing, wondering what to focus on in the moment and what the next peak will look like.

    You are cared for and appreciated as a brother in Christ forever and a special Pastor and Servant of God!! I love that all of us believers will be in heavan together. How exciting.

    Can't wait for the summit~

    Thanks for sharing and keeping on.

  2. Michell,

    Thank you so much for your prayers and friendship. You are a wonderful blessing and a joy. Thank you. I cherish your prayers and your words. What a joy to read them and know the heart behind them. Thank you, Michell, thank you.
