Thursday, August 25, 2011

A cup of cold water

I had a refreshing experience yesterday. It was sadly unusual. One of the guys in our church sent me an e-mail to talk about some issues in the ministry and then, as he closed, he asked, "While I’m at it, how’s your spirit lately? Do you need encouragement? How can I serve you?" It was like a cup of cold water on a hot day for me! I am especially worn right now with prep for the fall, people's needs and other considerations so for someone to ask how I am was a surprise and refreshing. He followed up our dialogue with an invitation to a coke later that day. He said, "I’ll bring the cold water." And, in fact we did meet. The first thing my friend ordered was a cup of cold water. What a treat. I drank it with joy because it represented so much more than refreshment for the body. He had refreshed my soul. A cup of cold water...often it does more than you could ever imagine!

1 comment:

  1. I need to remember to encourage people more. This is a helpful reminder...thanks!
