Sunday, May 29, 2011

Seek to do good...

1 Thessalonians 5:15- See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good for one another and to everyone.

This short verse is in the middle of Paul's closing instructions in this amazing book. The last few verses are all about intentional choices in the midst of a world that doesn't always do the right things. Paul's directions are for us to live with purpose, live intentionally and not live for ourselves. I love the last part of this verse, "but always seek to do good for one another and to everyone." Imagine if this were part of how we lived as Christians on a daily for the good of others. This kind of living puts a sword through the heart of selfishness. It's an intentional others focused life.

One phrase I hear far too often in my visits with people is, "I know God wants me to be happy..." And so they justify their actions to hurt, destroy and tear down someone else. I wonder how our decisions would change if we thought about our choices in this way, "I know God wants YOU to be happy, so I'm going to...." A focus on another, for their good is the very picture Paul is painting here. It's the very picture of a life lived to imitate Christ.

"But, ALWAYS seek to do GOOD for one another and to EVERYONE." It would change the church and the world around us if people saw us focused on one another and not on ourselves. I can hear it now, "The music is too loud in church, but I know it helps others to worship God, so I'm fine with it." If this were part of our lives as we live life together it would change everything! My job, as a pastor, would suddenly become easy! I can hear it now, "Pastor, I am really having problems right now and need some help, but there are others in much greater need, is there someone I can help, someone in need. It will help me see my problems in a different light."

I think I could write pages about this short passage, it is so revolutionary, but let me simply invite you to dream about a church, a community affected by a few who would live out these brief instructions from Paul, what would change in your world if this were true of you? How would your church change if we all did it? I wonder.....what if you and I started to do this right now. Let's see what would happen.

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