Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking a break...

Thank you for your encouragement and comments over the last year, but it's time for a break. I'm going to take a couple weeks off to rest, read, and get away. I hope to come back refreshed and inspired, but for today....I'm going on vacation.


  1. Nice. Totally jealous. But we do have a little vacation planned for Hawaii in August...and I'm counting the days.

  2. Now I'm jealous. Sounds great, you will patiently wait for that, won't you?

  3. What are vactions? I think I've heard of those. Here's hoping I get to do the same soon. I guess this means no blog posts for a while. Come back soon with all the new insights!

  4. Have a wonderful break Mike. Great to here you visited Dad on his 85th. Talk to you soon again one day.
