Friday, May 27, 2011

Significant moments

A moment to write, and then to rest. We are in Iowa to celebrate my dad's 85th birthday. He will be 85 tomorrow. It was quite an ordeal getting here on Memorial day weekend, but here we are...all tucked into the motel, the bed is calling, but let me simply say that as I watch my dad age and approach the end of his journey I see how important a single life is. There are significant moments in all of our lives, but the people who touch our lives create those moments, both for good or ill. The murderer is the result of significant moments that made him into who he became, we are all affected by moments and people who touch our lives in those moments. I'm so glad I have had the blessing of knowing the man named Paul Messerli. Although he's frail and weak today it's his life that touched mine in ways that made me who I am. It's his legacy that I live out as I walk with God. I'm excited to live out what he hoped I would be. Tonight I'm very blessed to have been impacted in those significant moments by this amazing man. Happy Birthday, Dad.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful tribute to your dad. It brought back memories of my father who was such an inspiration in my life. I'm glad you'll be with him for his 85th birthday.
