Monday, August 09, 2010

Reflections on God's work

It's been nearly four years....four years since I wrote these words:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The adventure begins


"Brandon, Jenny and their son, Deacon are on their way to Guatemala in about 36 hours. It has been an amazing adventure to watch God prepare them to be missionaries. They are heading to another country to serve God. I am proud to call them my friends, and honored to serve God with them. But more than that I'm humbled by their faith.

I have put their web page address above. I invite you to pray for them, support them, and keep in touch with them.

I can't wait to see what God does in and through their lives.

What adventure is God preparing you for?"

Since I wrote these words Brandon and Jenny have had two more children, become fluent in Spanish, changed missions, discipled pastors and helped churches in their part of Guatemala and at this moment are hosting a short-term mission trip from our church. Our team has gone to Guatemala to help in an orphanage there. Brandon and Jenny are hosting, leading and discipling the team we sent to help them. It's amazing to watch God work.

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