Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why is there something?

I'm rereading Norm Geisler's book, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, with one of our young men. It's a great book to sharpen your thinking and deal with the big issues of science and faith. In the chapter I just finished Norm asks the question that I find my atheist friends hate, "If there is no God, why is there something instead of nothing?" It's a great question. It's a question that goes to the heart of the discussion of how we got here.
Most scientist will admit that the universe "has the appearance" of being made by an intelligent designer, but they refuse to acknowledge God. It amazes me that they will demonstrate outrageous faith to believe the impossible just so they don't have to believe in a God they will be accountable to. Their faith in chance, the god of science, is greater than the faith it would take to believe what God says about creation in the bible and yet they refuse. More and more I'm convinced that there are no intellectual atheists...only emotional atheists. As one of the leading atheists of the last generation said, "I refuse to believe in a God I have to be accountable to." Funny, isn't it, what great leaps of faith we go to in our attempts to avoid God....but he's still there.

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