Monday, August 09, 2010


"Life is largely a matter of luggage." -Frank Boreham, The Luggage of life

I'm always amazed at how much we are willing to carry with us that is completely unnecessary. We are masters at gathering baggage.

The burden of the load slows our journey, distracts our minds and confuses our relationships.

John Bunyan wrote about baggage in his work Pilgrim's Progress.
George Carlin talked about it in a comedy routine.

No matter who we are we find a way to carry our lives around with us. Often it's emotional baggage we have accumulated over the years. Unforgiveness. Anger. Hurts. Old memories of wrongs done. Pain. And the list could continue for pages. But have you noticed that it's always the negatives that become baggage? It's all the hurts of life that weigh us down. The pain that handicaps us.

The good that God intended has no weight at all. Joy is light as a feather. Happiness lifts us up rather than weighing us down. Peace carries its own load and helps us along the way. Kindness refreshes the weary traveler. Love makes the impossible possible once more. Mercy energizes. Grace empowers. The things God wants us to put in our backpacks help us on the way and have no weight to load us down. It's only when we carry the results of sin that the weight and struggles begin.

That's the invitation Jesus extended. "Come unto me...." It's found in Matthew 11-12 if you want to read it. His invitation is to make the journey without all the baggage of the world in tow. When will we realize that this journey was meant to be a wonderful adventure with God instead of a grueling journey to be endured? When will we get rid of all that weighs us down and pick up the things that make the journey a joy?

I wonder sometimes about our fascination with baggage. It's as if we have to hold onto something. I even see it in death. We are so reluctant to let go of this life. We want to hold onto all the junk we have accumulated, but find in the end that it's just that....junk. I wonder if we will ever realize we have become a race of junk collectors....glad to carry the burdens of our trash instead of enjoying the blessings God provides.

1 comment:

  1. Have you been watching those hoarding shows on TV?

    Just kidding!

    Great post. Sad to say, I have way more baggage than I'd like. I'm glad you mentioned that verse and Jesus' invitation. I was contemplating it last week and trying to figure out exactly what he meant by what he said. Seems my burdens are so heavy some days and my joy so unobtainable. I'm glad I read what you had to say.
