Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's really pretty simple...

It's really pretty simple....it's not really that hard. We have made it very hard to do and almost impossible to understand, but it wasn't meant to be. What am I talking about? I'm talking about being a Christian. It's really pretty simple....it's a living and active relationship with God. That's it. It's not more than that and it's never less, but, like the religious people we are, we write books, list rules, give lectures, talk about the do's and don'ts of this thing called Christian. But it's really pretty simple...it's a relationship. The next and only question is this...how do I have a relationship with someone I can't see or hear? How do I know how he feels when I never see his face? What does he expect of me? Relationships are something that people have with one another. First, you need to know that God is a person in the original definition of the word. He has emotion, mind, will. He made us to be like him. He built us for relationship. He made us to be able to relate to him. It's really pretty simple....talk to him. Listen to him when he talks to you. Spend time with him, just like you would with someone you want to know. A relationship demands relating. My personal struggle with all of this is being quiet and spending time with God. I'm a doer. I want to accomplish something so to stop for a moment and be with him is my hardest task, but I will never get to know him unless I do. We want to make a list. God wants to hang out. We want to know what he expects. God wants us to know his heart...that will direct our actions better than any list. We want rules. God wants relationship. You see, God's not as interested in what you do as he is in who you are....because who you are will determine what you do. Who you are and who you become is governed largely by who you hang out with. God wants you to hang out with him. It's really pretty simple.
(Why the dog? Because I like the picture....)
post script- I must tell you that this is one of my greatest struggles...a relationship with God. It's the most important thing in my life, and yet it's often the most difficult. It's something that I'm still working on.....


  1. Hi Mike...

    You may or may not remember me.

    You used to read my blog, and I read yours. I dropped off the face of blogosphere late 2007 !!!

    my blog was...


    Alot has happend since 07. And for some reason I kept thinking about you, this past week. Would love to email you, I think you might be able to help me. In some way.

    Please repsond to this comment..


  2. Of course I remember you. I prayed for you for the longest time. Your last post worried me greatly and I had no way of finding you. It is quite a distance from Texas to Australia. It's so good to hear from you! I would love to connect. Feel free to e-mail me and I will do what I can to help. My e-mail is mjmesserli@verizon.net. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the note, Sammy.
