Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The primary relationship

I have a very strange job. Every day I deal with people and their relationships with God. When a person's relationship with God isn't working then none of their other relationships work either. In fact, the best warning sign that something is wrong with you and God is when you are having problems with the people around you. If you are not doing well with God then you cannot do well with people either. It's as if God made us to only work as intended when we are in right relationship with him. When that relationship is broken then all of our relationships will be broken as well.
The story that comes to my mind as I think about this is C.S. Lewis' work, The Great Divorce. It's a small book that's not about divorce at all, but is about a bus ride from hell to heaven for a one day excursion to see if the residents of hell would like to move to heaven. What's fascinating to me is to read as C.S. Lewis rightly describes someone who is not in relationship with God. These people are angry, miserable and quarrelsome with anyone around them. Lewis describes hell as an ever growing place where people move farther and farther out to get away from one another and ultimately isolate themselves completely. It's a wonderful fiction describing the problem of man as what it is at the core- a problem with God. If we don't cultivate the primary relationship, our relationship with God, then none of the relationships of our life will work as intended.

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