Monday, February 15, 2010


Today Joye and I celebrate 36 years of marriage. It's gone by so fast. As I look back on our lives together it seems like a whirlwind of living, but doing life together has made the years much easier than if we had done them alone.
Today we are watching 4 of our grand kids for the day. We are doing it together so I expect it to be a fun day. No fancy dinner least we haven't decided on a place to go tonight...for now the focus is on 4 wonderful kids.
Often, for me at least, the best times have been just being together. It's been fun to see God work in our lives as we live them together. I think we are both different for the better because of the influence of the other. Joye has chipped off some of my hard edges and I think I have influenced her as well. We are different people because of being together. I think this is part of what God uses to mold us into the image of Christ...he uses our mates. I have been blessed. Many men are not so lucky, but I have a wonderful wife, partner and friend to navigate life with. I look forward to what God has for us in the years ahead. It has been an exciting ride. I look forward to what's over the next hill because we will discover it together.

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