Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The reflection we see in the mirror

This picture has been e-mailed to me on a number of occasions. It's cute and is intended to communicate a message about this particular man, but what it said to me is that this is the painting we would all paint when we look in the mirror. We all see ourselves in much better light than others see us. We see our good deeds and how much we care for others. Those who know us would probably tell us they don't see the same thing at all. We, as humans, have a wonderful habit of being really good actors. The sad part of that is we are best at fooling ourselves. We think we are good-hearted, others see a mean person. We see a servant, others think we are always wanting to be served....You get the idea, don't you? The truth of this cute illustration is that no matter who sits down with a brush to paint what they see in the mirror is always much nicer, much better, much kinder, much sweeter than the reality. Our first challenge as Christ followers is to walk in the Spirit, knowing what we would do in the flesh, and let Christ live his life through us so that this picture really is what others see.

1 comment:

  1. Alright Mike, that's hitting a little too close to home! Didn't you mean to say that all the other people that we don't like do this? Not me...never me! ;)
