Wednesday, November 04, 2009

An offering of thanks

I read this verse yesterday and have been thinking about it ever since. David writes these word, ...

Psalm 50:23 He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.

...I've been thinking about this verse because of several things in the verse. The first thing was this- to give thanks to God for something is an offering to him. We think of offerings to God as something to do with money, but thanksgiving is an offering of great value to him as well. The second thing I noticed was that to say thank you to God honors him. Thanking him is our verbal acknowledgement of his care and provision for us. I noticed one more thing....and this was something I didn't expect....that giving thanks to God moves him to "prepare the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." To say thanks to God, even in our darkest day, acknowledges his care for us. Shows our trust in him even when we can't see the way and it's that simple verbal expression of thanks that moves God to show us the road ahead. Now, I don't assume this is some magic formula by any means, but the verse has implications that challenge me to be more verbal and intentional about my thanks to Him. That simple demonstration of faith will pave the road ahead for me to see God's work of salvation in my life. So, this these early hours I want to say "Thank you, Lord!" for your great kindness and love. I'm so grateful that you are Lord of heaven and earth and I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the things that cause me to be up at this hour praying to you. Thank you for what you are going to do! Thank you that I can trust you with the dark road ahead. Thank you that you will illuminate that path for me. Thank you most of all that you are there and hear my every word, my every thought. Thank you.....

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