Monday, November 02, 2009

A book report


I just finished Donald Miller's book, "A million miles in a thousand years" and enjoyed it immensely! I had tried to read his books before and didn't like his style, but this book was a joy to read and a bit of an eye opener for me as well. If you're looking for a book to read I would encourage you to buy, beg or borrow this one. You will thank me. And, no Donald isn't paying me to say this.


  1. I enjoyed "Blue Like Jazz," it was a different read, and hard to get started, but once I got into it, I really was challenged on a number of areas of thinking. I will check this one out as well. Thanks!

  2. Have you got a copy to lend?

    The other book I'd like to read is the one Steve mentioned Sunday by Timothy Keller (whom I like). If you know of a lender who would be willing to lend it, I would love it!

  3. as soon as Joye is done with it you can borrow it....
