Monday, November 02, 2009

A little adventure

What do you want to do today?
I don't know, what about you....what do you want to do?
Have you ever had those conversations? We do often. Today we actually thought of something to do and found ourselves in the Farmer's market in downtown Dallas. It's an amazing place to buy fruits and vegetables. A wonderful display of color. A chance to taste a number of amazing flavors....although I did pass on the offer from one vendor who wiped her running nose with the back of her hand and then offered me a piece of fruit from the same hand. I thought better of that offer. We did make a number of colorful acquisitions and hope to be cooking fresh vegetables all week. It wasn't a great adventure, nor one with any risk (other than the runny nose).....just a little adventure that brought this commentary, "I really had a good time."

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