Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Now for something really amazing!


  1. Mike, you just deleted my entire response to your Muslim post, this is the anon. you were corresponding with.

    Why did you do that?

  2. Joshua,

    As I mentioned in the last post we were done with that discussion. I closed the comments with my last post. No disrespect for you or anyone else, but I clearly dealt with the issues you mentioned and you simply didn't like my answers. So are you now the deputy Holy Spirit to condemn me for my walk with God? You are very bold to do such a thing. I would encourage you to really seek God about this before you so boldly condemn another person who is walking with God. I welcome your comments and discussion, but your ridicule will not be allowed, and that's my choice. It doesn't mean I'm not spiritual or not a godly man, it simply means we disagree, and that's ok. There is no need to become mean and hostile to me, and I would ask that you stop. It's not at all becoming of someone who says he wants to love others. You're sure not loving to me, how will you then be loving to someone of another faith?

  3. I wonder how many times that young man had to twirl that bat to get it right? Wonder how many times it smacked him before he figured out how to do it? Pretty amazing! And not at all controversial. =-)

  4. Carol, sorry, not sure what's wrong. I'll post the link to youtube so you can go there to see it, ok?

    Here's the link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YngyMco72QA&feature=player_embedded

  5. Mike, I went the link but didn't know which video. Oh well maybe next time.
