Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'm preparing to dig into our study in Hebrews tonight. I'm starting in chapter one (makes sense, doesn't it?), but I'm only working through the first three verses! As I looked at the outline I can I fill an hour and a half with only three verses? As I have begun to prepare, these verses begin to unpack themselves and suddenly I am in awe of Jesus Christ, who he is and what he has done, more than I have ever been. And now I'm can I get through these three verses in only an hour and a half? I think that's truly the way it is with God. As we begin to look at him more closely our eyes are opened, our ears hear and our minds are overwhelmed with this amazing God we worship. He begins to open our eyes to who he is and the depth of it takes our breath away. We cannot comprehend this amazing one who loves us so wonderfully. I really think I might need another class session for these three verses....


  1. What an awesome God we have! You just reminded me that I need to do my studies as well so I'm prepaired for your class on Sunday. I love the picture!

  2. I loved class tonight. So many good reminders of who God is. Why do I minimize Him so often and make Him so small? I lose perspective so easily! Do you suppose that one day we'll see the real big picture and somehow comprehend the greatness of God? Do you think our brains will be able to even process that? I sure hope so! Thanks for your hard work preparing for class!
