Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quote of the day

I read this line in an article about the largest churches in America today. This one line popped out of the text and caught my attention. If you want to read the whole article you can find it here, but this is the quote I wanted to share with you-

"The best churches have very intentional systems to move people from sitting in rows to sitting in circles (in small groups) to going out and making a difference in the world."


  1. I will have to read the rest of the article when I've had more coffee. But I do like and agree with the quote. Sitting in the pews isn't where it's at...that's not where ministry happens for me. It's also not where I am usually ministered to (although music often ministers to me more than words of a sermon and sometimes vice versa). But usually it's in the context of a group who knows each other and loves each other and is transparent with each other that I find the most ministry and growth happening.

  2. And maybe I should also add, that if you stay in the pews, God is nothing more than a spectator sport.

    And I've been guilty of that.
