Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thoughts on my studies...

I'm in the beginning of the study of the book of Hebrews as I prepare to teach through the book. We are working through it at church. It will take about 24 weeks to work through these 13 chapters and even at this pace I feel like I'm moving through the text too quickly. I love teaching because it helps me. (Yes, it is all about me!) But really, studying to teach makes me dig into a book much deeper than I normally would. Hebrews begins with this simple, but amazing declaration-
God has spoken!
In our world today this is big. Francis Schaeffer wrote a book titled, "He is there and he is not silent," but in our world today many protest and declare very boldly, "No one is there, so there's nothing to hear." But, like Schaeffer and millions of others, I believe God is there and has spoken. His final word to man on planet earth came through the voice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Hebrews declares that he is the final prophet and there will be none after him. In this book he is declared the final word from God, the final high priest for the human race, and now the king seated on the throne. Through this one, Jesus Christ, God has spoken to us. I think that's why he is such an unforgettable figure for our world. When God shows up he's hard to forget!
So, I'm thinking through this "God has spoken" theme and working through why this is so important. Here's just a few of the reasons I've come up with....if God has spoken it means: 1. There really is a god! 2. If he has spoken to us then he's intelligent, 3. He's interested in us, 4. He wants to communicate with us, 5. He has something to say, 6. I need to listen, 7. He doesn't leave me without direction, 8. We are important to him....I know there's more, I'm still working on this list.
God has spoken...I'm still thinking about those amazing words.


  1. I can't wait to dig in the book of Hebrews. This is going to be an awesome study.

  2. I didn't mean to select that one!

  3. The atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a policeman. Author Unknown


  4. Well now I'll have to dig into Hebrews. The Word, His Word is amazing, and I appreciate you sharing Mike!
