Wednesday, August 05, 2009


It's early morning, I'm up...can't sleep,thinking, praying, thoughts about a hundred things, the ministry, our country, the world, God's work in my life, directions to go, relationships, priorities, people I care about....much of it, honestly, out of my control. It's clear that much of life is not in our control at all. I'm reading Job right now and I read his words of frustration and questions of "why?" as he interacts with his friends. We all do that as we go through our lives. Honestly my problems are nothing like Job, but I whine, worry and fret about them anyway. The thousand thoughts we all deal with on a daily basis can be overwhelming at times....I think that's why we try to stay we don't have to deal with our own thoughts. Left alone, without God in my life, I could easily see how despair, drugs and destruction could be the only solution. Life is hard. Situations difficult. Problems unresolved. Relationships broken....BUT GOD (I love it when I read those two words in the Bible) makes all the difference. His presence in my life, his presence alone, brings refreshment to me, peace to my confusion, comfort to my wounds, hope to my doubts. BUT GOD...for the Christian these are words of great comfort. For the world they are words of dread and bring anger and resentment. I've been reading an atheist web site and commenting on some of the posts. I'm surprised at how different they see things than I do. For the atheist there is no God to comfort, only the resolve that they are alone in the world and at least they are not deluded "like those Christians". For me, if it is delusion, then leave me to it....I have a God who loves me, a hope that encourages me, a book that guides me, a presence that teaches me, friends that love me and a God who comforts all of this I'm refreshed, it's water to a weary soul, it's peace to a troubled heart, it's rest to a tired mind in the middle of the night.


  1. Kind of reminds me of a line from a CW song out now ... "God is great!, beer is good, and people are crazy!"

    God is Great !!! Coffee is very good - I know you agree on that one. Atheistic people ARE crazy. I can understand agnostic but atheist ???? Come on, where did that brain come from?

  2. Dearest Anonymous,

    "Atheistic people ARE crazy. I can understand agnostic but atheist ???? Come on, where did that brain come from?"

    In answer to your question, their brain came from God. Please don't aim your words like deadly arrows.

    I encourage you to re-read Luke chapter 15 and be God's beacon of light to the lost with actions and words of God's love that has been shown to you.

    Grace & Peace,

  3. "If it is a delusion, then leave me to it"

    Amen, brother.

    If there is no God then all this thing we call life ends when we breathe our last and we were comforted while we lived. There is a God, of course, and He loves us so very much. And O, He is with us always.

    It was so good to see you, though briefly, while in Texas.

  4. Brandon,

    It was a wonderful joy for me to see you as well. I am so blessed by your friendship and fellowship. I look forward to the day when I can come to Guatemala and serve you and your ministry there.
