Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Some wonderful friends of ours recently brought us some fresh sweet corn from the old home state, Iowa. It's a regular summer treat for us Iowa ex-patriots to get our hands on some sweet corn from the homeland. If you have never had it then you wouldn't understand, but I can only imagine that corn like this couldn't be much better in heaven. It's wonderful!
For us the tradition is to have fresh corn on the cob as a whole meal! That's it...just corn, cob after cob of it until you couldn't eat another bite and that's what we did. We still have some left and I am relishing each kernel. So, thank you, Bud and Brenda, for the wonderful treat. We always love your care packages from the homeland.


  1. yummmmmy. My granddad was a central PA farmer and had some great sweet corn. Little cobs, so you could eat 5 or 10. Then I developed an intollerance to corn and corn products! Why oh why....Must have been that 12 ear...
