Friday, August 07, 2009


It's always amazing to me as I watch how God meets needs. He provides a job, savings, a sudden gift, a check in the mail, an opportunity to work. In a thousand different ways God works to meet our needs. He's amazingly creative and is never panicked by our needs....he is a wonderful provider.
About a month or more ago I noticed that our TV was starting to act funny. It was having trouble coming on. We have had it for many years and planned to use it until Jesus came back, but it didn't look like that would happen. Gradually it was getting worse.
On one particular day I got the bill for our phone and cable service. It was much too high so I called to see where I could make some cuts and reduce my cost. We talked about several options and then, in the middle of the visit, the person helping me said, "Oh, by the way, we have a new warranty service available for only $19.00 per month." I laughed and told him, "I thought we were trying to lower my costs!!" But after he told me about the program I signed up. It provided repairs or replacement for all our home electronics. A pretty amazing offer really.
Just a few weeks pass by and our TV died......
So, I call my wonderful new warranty service to tell them, "My TV has died, would you come out and fix it?" They tell me they will schedule it and I wait. Days go by and I wait. Nothing happens. I'm thinking, "I was sure foolish to take them up on this warranty service. It doesn't look like they are going to do anything." Then, suddenly...they call. Now I have to tell you that no one had come out to look at our old TV yet, but they call and tell my wife, "We are sending you a new TV to replace your old one. It will be there in 7-10 days." So we wait....and wonderfully, yesterday the UPS man stops at OUR house and delivers a brand new 37 inch flat screen TV!!!!
I know we don't NEED a TV. I know it's a luxury. I know we could and probably should live without it, but it's a wonderful provision for us by the great provider. Some might say, "God didn't provide that, the cable company did!" But I don't see my call to them, the question about this service, the death of the TV and its replacement as accidents. I do see God's care behind it all and I am most blessed by his kind provision to us for something we really don't even need.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very cool story! Don't you know God just smiles when He does such neat things for us?

    Maybe your cable company has a warranty in case of a job loss. Now that would be fantastic!
