Thursday, July 23, 2009

Man's plans and God's results

I'm in the middle of the book of Esther and each time I read this book I am fascinated by how God is working to bring about his results in spite of man's plans. Specifically I'm talking about Haman (boooooo...ask a Jewish friend about this). He is the Prime Minister of the kingdom and is able to do what he wishes....even to the apparent demise of the Jewish people in this kingdom. BUT GOD.....I always love it when those two words show up in the bible (these two words aren't in the text of Esther, but you can see them clearly on every page of the story)...BUT GOD...and then watch as he works, in spite of man's plans, to bring about his results and his glory. I already know the end of the story, but at the point I'm reading it seems that all is lost for the Jewish nation. It's a great story to remind me of how God can literally move heaven and earth to bring about his results even in the darkest of days.


  1. the book is totaly fake and the story u r reading is not true.. u should read some book about great persian history specially about cirous the great... the persian king who rescued all the jewsh from the babilon and the nabochandezar(king of babilon)to the freedom one of those jewsh was prophet Daniel and
    mordchay was one of the first Kabalaism which based on(freemasonery)

    and HAMAN was a wise and big man in the history..

    hope to improve ur historical information.

  2. Anon, sorry you think that. I believe the info is true and accurate.
