Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just thinking

Our TV died tonight. Yes, it's gone...funeral tomorrow. I guess I'm just cheap, but we still have one of those old picture tube models. It just couldn't take it anymore and tonight it wouldn't even turn on....I guess that it finally had enough. I've looked at all the "new fangled" flat screen models and they are sure nice. The picture on those screens is amazing. Ours was still the old, low resolution, lines across the screen model. In fact, we've heard about this HD stuff, but thought we would wait until they perfected tonight I'm thinking about what to do. I have a repair man coming out to look at the old girl, but I'm sure he will tell us it's over. I'm not too bothered by this really. To be honest, there isn't much on TV anymore anyway. I'm not old enough yet to have the weather channel as my favorite, but I do like to watch current events, news, history, and information programs. I know, like most people, we watch too much TV, but maybe this is a chance to make some changes. It sure in quiet in the house tonight......


  1. So you missed Obama's pitch for health care reform tonight, huh?

    Oh well...nothing new there. You either buy his lies or you don't.

  2. Mike they have some flat screen models that have a card slot built in. You can use it to turn the set into a picture frame that does a slide show of your treasured grand kids, or of the motorcycles. Mike McM

  3. Our 25 year old Sony was dyeing a slow death. We got a hand-me-down free big screen. sure is fun to watch! Now about our 30 years old hand-me-down in the master bed room......will have to wait another year, as today is total replacement of the 20 year old HVAC system, which seems much more important...

  4. sorry Ray, you topped me. I bow to your dilemma....good luck with the air conditioner.

  5. I remember the last time I called a tv repairman. It was back in Indiana so that makes if over 10 years ago. He actually laughed at me as he told me televisions are now 'throw aways' ... cheaper to buy a new one than try to repair an old obsolete fossil. I think prices have gone way UP since then but I have bought a new one since moving here to TX. Works good, hopefully will last a long time. We do have a 'large' screen set that was given to one of the boys. The only problem is we can't get it upstairs to the only room that is large enough to let you enjoy watching it. It just sits in the dining room collecting dust right now. Occasionally the boys play an x-box game on it. And yes, you didn't miss much with Obama's latest pitch!

  6. Sorry about your TV, best to pony up and get a new one from sams. You will enjoy it, and heck, you only live once, might as well watch the world with clarity. it would be like getting a new pair of glasses for you i bet.

    As for the Obama spot people are talking about, i for one think healthcare needs reform. My premiums go up and up, and my coverage goes down and down. I think what i see here in conservative land is poeple being poeple. They identify with one group and think anything that comes from the other side is wrong. Human nature i suppose.



  7. Years ago my former husband and I were without cable for approximately two weeks [shudder]. First we climbed the walls, then we got cranky, and then something amazing happened. CONVERSATION! PRODUCTIVITY! Things we never found time for started getting done, almost as if by magic. We decided it would be a good idea to limit our viewing time to an hour a day...until the cable signal came through. :| Like you, what I would miss most would be The Discovery Channel, TLC, The History Channel...and Big Bang Theory! (Hey--at least they are all conversation sparks.) Price justification: attaching an HDMI cable will turn your set into the world's largest computer screen!

  8. Years ago my former husband and I were without cable for approximately two weeks [shudder]. First we climbed the walls, then we got cranky, and then something amazing happened. CONVERSATION! PRODUCTIVITY! Things we never found time for started getting done, almost as if by magic. We decided it would be a good idea to limit our viewing time to an hour a day...until the cable signal came through. :| Like you, what I would miss most would be The Discovery Channel, TLC, The History Channel...and Big Bang Theory! (Hey--at least they are all conversation sparks.) Price justification: attaching an HDMI cable will turn your set into the world's largest computer screen!
