Thursday, July 23, 2009

Impossible solutions

I took this photo while we were in Africa recently. It's an amazing shot because no one has ever caught a giraffe up a tree before. Just kidding, it's not a real photo....but it illustrates how silly we are at times. For a giraffe the solution to danger is a high view of the landscape and good legs to run. They would not and cannot climb trees. But, as funny as it might look, we humans do something that looks just as silly- we try to figure things out about our lives, the world and our very existence without trusting in or acknowledging God. It's as impossible and improbable as a giraffe up a tree. We were designed to be in relationship and dependence upon God and we are not functioning properly unless we are. Without God our solutions look funny, like a giraffe up a tree, but with God the solutions are natural and dependent on him. Man living without God comes up with impossible solutions, but with God all things are possible.

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