Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Every man

Since our trip to Africa I've been thinking often of one person. He was a homeless man who "lived" on a spot of dirt near our hotel. His spot of dirt was beside the dump where he foraged each morning.

Each morning, on our way to meetings, I would look out toward the field and see this picture....this homeless man sitting on his spot of dirt after a long night sleeping in that same spot.

I've thought about him often because he is burned into my mind as an image of the hopelessness of the human race without in rags, claiming a spot of dirt to rest on, eating garbage, with no hope and no future, but only more of the same mind-numbing routine.

We do dress nicer, our spot of dirt is a little more comfortable, we do eat better, but this man is, in my mind, the poster child for the human race.....holding onto rags, living for nothing, looking forward to the same thing day after day, without hope.

Using this man as a picture of us in the west, with our clean clothes, nice homes and good food may be repulsed by some, but if you think about it for a moment the only difference is circumstance. Everything else is the same. Without God the only difference is the packaging and the place. Without God the only future is despair and depression. Without God there is no purpose or plan. So, let me introduce you to "every man". He lives in Kilifi, Kenya, but he may be your neighbor next door as well. Without God there's no reason to do anything more than just exist.

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