Thursday, July 02, 2009

Water in dry places

I find myself a little dry once more. Inspiration is elusive, thoughts are scattered, and the body is tired. I find that, once more, I'm reading the bible and not getting much from my time in the word. This is something I experience in my walk with God at different times. It's quite common. I feel that I'm in a desolate place wishing for water, spiritual water. I know this is a common thing. I know this will only last for a short time, so I continue to read God's word, pray and walk with God. Whether I am really experiencing a dry time or simply tired I know I need to keep going. This is no place to stop. And so, as I have done many times before, I press on, I continue to walk with God, read his word and pray. Keep going, don't stop here....rain will come soon, refreshment is near. God will not leave me thirsty for long.


  1. just wanted to say that sometimes with the daily devotions and bible reading I dont feel fed like I should and when I read your posts, lots of times I'm refreshed. Thank you for finishing well pastor. Not that your finished :-)

  2. I'm in the same place this week. I don't know what the deal is. I read the words on the pages and it just seems hollow. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who experiences this.

  3. It must be the heat. I have been dry myself for a couple weeks. I dont give up, but I find myself reading and re-reading the same. I look for the times of refreshment too!
