Friday, July 03, 2009

Spice and life

I'm so glad that God did not make life boring! I'm so glad he made problems for us to deal with, challenges to overcome, struggles to wrestle with, issues to face. I'm glad he made life rich with flavor.
Can you imagine life without spices in it? Eggs without salt? Ice tea without sugar? Indian food without curry? Mexican food without HOT? Imagine food without onion. Garlic. Cinnamon. Pepper. Sage and a hundred other spices and flavors that add so much to our lives. How boring it would be to live without salt. How sad to eat Mexican food without HOT. Indian food just wouldn't be the same without curry. Spice in our lives is taken for granted, but let me change the spice a little and then ask these same questions.
How boring would life be without needs to seek satisfaction, questions to ask God, problems to resolve, challenges to work on together, things in our lives that demand we trust God. Imagine how boring life would be if we had no spice, no problems or issues to deal with. Imagine if there was no need to pray, to ask for God's help. Imagine if we had all we needed and everything went well....where's the opportunity to trust see him work in our lives? Where's the challenge to overcome? Where's the spice to flavor our lives? All of these things- needs, problems, challenges, health issues, questions, financial crisis, struggles and a hundred other things are spices that flavor our lives and drive us to God for his help, his care and his provision. They flavor us.
So, when the trials of life become part of your days welcome then as fine spices to flavor and season you. Invite them in as friends who give you opportunity to trust God and make you depend on him more. Take the trials and challenges of your life and allow them to season who you are and make you even more dependent on God who provides us with all things richly. Welcome the spices of life and say boldly, "How wonderful, another opportunity to trust God and see him work in my life!" A well seasoned life is not an easy one, but it's never boring. And when it's all done you will be wonderfully flavored and rich with the spices of God's work flowing through your veins.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, dear brother, for that perspective! I really needed to hear that today. I love spicy! Mexican food without HOT? I think that's a sin. :-)

    Instead of dreading current difficulties, I am actually laughing at how the Lord will work them out and how he'll grow me in the process. Haha!

    Thank you for that.
