Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The foolishness of the message

I read a lot of books, web pages, news articles, other views of the world....secular writers, atheists, angry people, thoughtful people...but one thing I'm noticing is a rising hostility to the message of the cross. Those of us who embrace the gospel find salvation, grace, forgiveness, love and God, but those who reject the cross consider it foolish, ignorant or worse.
What a message this is- God providing a way to a relationship with him that requires only my faith in his solution. I can't work for it, I can't earn it, I don't have to understand it, I may not think it makes sense, but in the wisdom of God it's the perfect solution for the sin problem each of us face.
God's solution is HIS power demonstrated through ultimate weakness on a cross. Through that horrible cross God provided the only solution to my problem of sin. I believe that message. I believe I'm forgiven because of what Jesus did for me, but as I read....as I see how others view this amazing gift of God...I'm really amazed at how vile this message is to the world. It's irrational, foolish for sure and ridiculed by those who will not accept God's gift. They sneer at God's plan, God's love and they curse God's judgment on them for not receiving his free gift. The world, sadly, is missing God's amazing love because they consider his solution foolish.
But what other solution would satisfy them? What would they want God to do? If his perfect solution to our problem is thought to be foolish to the world they have raised their fists to the heavens and declared, "We will not trust you! We want to be forgiven on our own terms!" But God will not be negotiated with. It's his solution to our problem...take it or leave it. And, honestly, it's God's single, simple solution of a crucified savior that drives the world crazy. But for those who will trust, those who will believe, they find forgiveness, love and the wisdom of God.
I'm rambling a little, I'm writing as I think about many of the harsh and hostile words and articles I have read in recent days. It does seem that the anger of the world is rising and I wonder why....why won't they simply trust, simply receive, simply come to God for his free gift, but I know why they don't, I know why they won't and that does grieve me. I can't imagine how it grieves the heart of God to provide all we need for life and godliness and watch as many around us simply say "no!" to his amazing love.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of some harsh words I heard from a co-worker today. "There goes a bus full of nasty Catholics." I chose to keep my mouth shut and ignore what he said so not to start a dispute. I wonder what that makes me to him?

    I'm no Catholic, but those words were hateful and hurt even me. It struck me as odd considering he makes his kids go through confirmation yet would say such a thing. Our world is definitely deteriorating before us.
