Sunday, December 07, 2008

Ironic and funny

A few days ago I mentioned the sign posted in the Washington state capital building. It was stolen, but later found and posted once more.

The intent of the sign was to "counter" the nativity display across the lobby. Here is what was funny, it's a quote from those who posted this sign-

"The incident will not stifle the group's message, Gaylor said. Before reports of the placard's recovery, she said a temporary sign with the same message would be placed in the building's Rotunda. Gaylor said a note would be attached saying, "Thou shalt not steal.""

What's really funny to me, and rather ironic, is that the note attached, "Thou shalt not steal." is part of the commands of God himself....the God they deny exists. How ironic that to keep their sign of protest against God they must use his very words to protect their right to deny him....I'm smiling about how silly they look.

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