Friday, December 05, 2008

The loss of sighing

Isa 51:11 So the ransomed of the LORD will return And come with joyful shouting to Zion, And everlasting joy will be on their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, And sorrow and sighing will flee away.
I read this passage a few weeks ago and have been thinking about it for a while. The part of the verse that caught my attention was the very last few words- "sighing will flee away."
Why sighing? What does this say about the very act of sighing? I found this definition of sighing, it might help in our discussion-
"Sighing, Sigh\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Sighed; p. pr. & vb. n. Sighing.]
1. To inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, or the like.
2. Hence, to lament; to grieve.
He sighed deeply in his spirit. --Mark viii. 12.
3. To make a sound like sighing.
And the coming wind did roar more loud, And the sails did sigh like sedge. --Coleridge.
The winter winds are wearily sighing. --Tennyson."
Sighing is a sign of a negative thing, a sound of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow and loss. It's an audible expression of loss and frustration. Sighing will flee away.....there will be a day when all fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow and loss will end and there will never again be a day when I will need to sigh, a day when I will hear another sigh from loss or frustration. I can't imagine that new reality where sighing will not ever be expressed again, not ever be needed again, but I can't wait......I can't wait for that day when this very expression of living in a fallen world will end....I can't wait.....sigh.


  1. It's also a sign of anxiety (from a medical standpoint).

    You sure think well for a person who gets up before the chickens!

  2. I sigh a lot. Generally from exhaustion. I'm looking forward to the time with sighing will flee away. Great post.

  3. My wife sighs a lot. She says its is just a way she likes to inhale. But I define sighing the way you have, so her sighing confuses me, especially when she does it after I say something. But then I remember her definition of her sighing-slash-inhaling so its all good.

  4. I hope your blogger clock is off. No one should be getting UP at the witching hour. I guess you can get more done.

  5. Brandon, my blogger clock is right....I was up at 3, and am most mornings. A problem of old age I guess. And, yes, I do get a lot done!
