Monday, December 08, 2008

Mission trip ahead

Joye and I met with our missions director last night to begin preparation for a trip to Kenya in February. We will be traveling with a group from our church to train pastors and layman in Kenya. We have a lot to do as we prepare with only two months until we leave. May I ask for your prayers as we get ready for this great opportunity to spend time with believers in Africa?


  1. One of these days....I pray I'll get to go on a mission trip. How exciting!

  2. Great question!

    Go for it! The worst that could happen is you go and come back to live in the US. ;-)

  3. Craig and I would love to go into missions one day. Kinda surprises us that we'd like to do that.

  4. Aw, just sell all your stuff and go. You'd love it. And you can get Internet access just about anywhere now. I guess don't sell your computer!
