Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thoughts on the body of Christ

Let me start my thoughts on the last two weeks with a few comments on the body of Christ. What most strikes me, as I think about the trip to Ukraine, is how amazing the body of Christ...the church is. I mentioned a few posts back that a man named Volodia had contacted me more than 5 years ago simply asking to communicate by e-mail. We did, and become great friends, having never met, and then this trip came up and the one thing I had to do is contact my friend, Volodia. He insisted we have dinner at his house and spend an evening with his family. We did, and it was an amazing evening.

Like most in the old Russian republics they live in an apartment. It's a small, two room apartment in a 4th floor walk elevators. When I say two rooms that's exactly what it is. There is a small bath and small kitchenette, but other than that....two rooms. It's just like other apartments I had been in while in Russia....a very typical home in this part of the world. Volodia and his wife, Ruslana, are raising their 4 children in this 2 room apartment. (So, no more whining from those of you who just don't have enough room in your 3 bedroom-two car garage homes, ok?) We fellowshiped in their living room-dining room-bedroom (see photo) and had a great dinner together. The food was very Russian, but good.

We had a great visit. Their kids are all wonderful and sweet children. We were like long lost uncles to them and were the recipients of dozens of stuffed toys that we had to see and hold. Their daughter, who is 13, is making jewelery and wanted to show us what she made. Danny and I both asked why she was making it. She said she wanted to earn some money of her own, and thought this would be a way to do that, so we both bought more than our share of her work. She was overjoyed. It was a wonderful evening with a part of our family we had never met....the family of God. These sweet people invited us into their small home, fed us a lot of food that they couldn't afford and made us feel like part of their family....and we are. We took a number of photos of the evening because it was so important. I will send copies to Volodia when I get back to the church so he can have copies. I know he will have them in his scrapbook within a few days. And, yes, we got to see their photo scrapbook too, just like any visiting family member should do!

This is the church...the body of Christ...being family. This is what Jesus meant when he told the disciples, "anyone who leaves family to follow me will have hundreds to replace them" (my paraphrase). And it's amazingly true. Now I will tell you...if you ever go to Kiev I have a place for you to eat dinner. He's a good friend of mine, and his family will make you part of their's what the body of Christ does best.


  1. What a wonderful celebration with your "family." I'm sure they were blessed having you in their home and you were blessed being there.

  2. Thank you, Mike, for sharing that story. I've been long awaiting news from the trip and you certainly don't disappoint. It's wonderful to have you back safely. It's even better to have gotten to meet Volodia and his family through your eyes. Reading this gave me goosebumps and I'm so grateful for your experience and look forward to what you will be telling us next......and I won't complain anymore about our 3 bedroom home!

  3. Praise God for your trip and that fellowship. I have stolen Ron Blue's phrase that it's not really a small world. It's a big family. I cannot wait to meet my brother Volodia.

    I hope your 'lingering problems' clear up. If not, I have a few good suggestions! It's par for the course here too.

  4. I have tingles reading this. I LOVED this story.
