Friday, September 19, 2008

Strange bedfellows

After our wonderful evening and dinner with Volodia and his family (see yesterday's post), Volodia took Danny and I on a late night bus ride across town to the place where we would spend the night. Volodia had made all the arrangements. We rode the public transit bus for about 40 minutes across town and came to the edge of Kiev and another apartment complex that looked much like a thousand others I had seen.
We walked up four flights of stairs (why are all these apartments four flights up?) and knocked at the door of one of the apartments. The door opened and we were suddenly face to face with a friendly, smiling man named Victor, he is Volodia's pastor. Victor was our host for the night. He graciously invited these two strangers into his apartment and made us at home. (Yes, another two room apartment.)
Victor is an amazing man. He's from a town in Russia called Tula. I was shocked to hear that because our sister church is in Tula and we were just there about a year ago. Victor's parents still live there and are Christian believers as well. He is an articulate and well read man who was the perfect host and an instant friend. It's so easy to make friends when Christ is the center of each of our lives. Within a few minutes we were in deep and engaging conversation with our new friend and brother in Christ. Our visit lasted late into the night as we discussed a hundred different things that were worth missing sleep to discuss. Finally, when we couldn't fight it any longer, we went to bed....already made up for us by Victor.
One of the things I knew was that I would preach in Victor's church the next morning. I asked him, "So, what do you want me to do tomorrow? Am I sharing part of the service? What would you like me to do?" Victor responded, "You're doing it all! I'm not preaching are. You have 45 minutes. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Our church service lasts for 2 hours, then we will get you to the airport." (I had to leave at 1pm to get to the airport.)
Now here's the interesting thing to me. Victor had never heard me before, he didn't know me at all, and yet....because of Volodia's relationship with me he was giving me his pulpit. Another friend and brother in Christ was met and added to my family. I have a lot more to meet, but I'm working through the family of God as fast as I can......
Church the next morning was great. I felt right at home, and the service was great fun. I didn't understand the worship songs at all, but boy did they worship God! Victor invited me up to speak to the church, and Volodia translated for me. I took about 45 to 50 minutes to teach through two verses. I think they really enjoyed our time in the word, I know I did.
After church we loaded up in the only car in the church (Serge's car) and headed for the airport. I'll tell you about Serge later. On the way to the Kiev airport a quick stop at McDonald's got us all something to eat for lunch and off we rush to get me on my flight. (Yes, McDonald's is everywhere!) What an odd day....what an amazing God who is able to bring his family together to love and care for one another beyond any language barrier. Victor will be another man I want to keep in touch with....because you never know what God will do next....and don't you wonder why I found a man from Tula, Russia....a town where we have a ministry presence already? I can't wait to see what God does with this!


  1. OK -- I am hooked on the stories of your trip! I can't wait to get on the computer each day to read the next installment! I love to watch God's hand move on Earth in such a visible way that we cannot even consider denying HIM!

  2. I am so glad you are stateside again. It is refreshing hearing how God has answered my prayers and all the others for you. Longing to see you soon brother. It has been too long. Blessings!
