Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If this is Wednesday I must be home

I think there was a movie with a title something like this. It's a title based on the woes of air travel. Yesterday morning at 5 am I left Budapest, but it was actually 10 pm the night before here, and so the odyssey to get back home began. After 22 hours of travel I am finally home but extremely tired. It's amazing how difficult it is to sit in an airplane for countless hours as it drones its way to your destination. I did get several books read, so I didn't waste the time, but air travel over numerous times zones is very difficult. The old term "jet lag" is now clearly understood to this tired traveler, but I knew enough of the rules to stay awake until I got home and then immediately fit into the time schedule here, so in a few days I should be back to normal, whatever that means. It's great to be back home, and I can't wait to tell you about the people I met and the adventures of the trip. Thank you all for your prayers. I am so grateful for friends like you. And, so, because of your prayers.....I'm back!


  1. Welcome home! Looking forward to reading about your travels.

  2. I think they say for every time zone, it takes a day to re-adjust. (Maybe I shouldn't have told you that...)

    Welcome home!!

  3. Lori,

    thanks, I got hit both ways! I lost a whole night one way and got completely confused the other. This trans-atlantic stuff is hard!
