Monday, September 15, 2008

Almost home....

I think it's Monday, but I'm not sure anymore. I've lost track of where and when I am. But today I do know where, just not when. It's cold and rainy and I'm in Budapest with one of our missionaries and family, Danny & Becky Loe. I am looking forward to a day with Danny & Becky and will fly home tomorrow, whatever day that will be. The trip has been amazing and I will have stories and photos to share with you when I return. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. Other than normal traveling health issues it's been a great trip. I can't wait to tell you about it. See you in a few days.


  1. I have been praying for your foot (heel). Can't wait to hear the details of your trip.

  2. Glad to hear from you. You remain in our prayers.

    P.S. Your better half spoke at this past Thursday's bible study, and it was awesome! She is a great speaker/teacher. :)

