Saturday, July 05, 2008


It's funny what we will this moment there is a man, Kent Couch, in a lawn chair attached to 150 balloons floating over Idaho and Oregon hoping to set a record of some sort. It's a funny concept- to be able to fly and do something no one has done before. I think we all have dreams of one kind or another...dreams of what we would do with a million dollars, dreams of what we would say if we could just have "that moment" over again, dreams of greatness or simply of better days.
I think we were designed for more than we have experienced, and thus our dreams kick in to tell us, "there is more....still more." We were designed for more than we will ever achieve here on this planet, and so God has prepared eternity for us to enjoy him and discover what we were designed to be. I hear from so many, "I wish I would have," "If only I could," and then their voices fade off quietly to the dream they have cherished for so long. Dreams of more. Dreams of what God designed us for.....and it's so much more than a lawn chair and balloons! We were designed for eternity. We were designed to have intimate fellowship with the God who made us. We were designed to be and do much more than we will see here, and yet "here" is not all there see, dreams do come true. Often they are glimpses of the "more" God has designed us for.
I dream of that day when our dreams will become reality, and we will be and do all God designed us for. Those hints of more, our dreams, give us a taste...just a taste of what God made us for, so don't get discouraged about what you haven't done yet. You aren't finished yet....there's eternity ahead where dreams do come true.

1 comment:

  1. So why is it that I tend to focus on my shortcomings and my failures rather than the process that I'm in with God at the helm? It frustrating to say the least. I'm looking forward to the day that I can see my life from His perspective.
