Saturday, July 05, 2008

Saturday's cartoon


  1. I know you have lots of "fish," but I must tell you I never really understood them all. I totally don't get the Darwin fish. Is it supposed to represent a Christian that believes in evolution?

  2. Lu,

    after the first "fish" symbol, the basic fish shape, a lot of the following ones were simply to mock Christianity. The Darwin fish was a way of saying "I believe in evolution" so many of the clones were to make fun of the Christian fish. It's been a strange cultural sidenote.

  3. I assumed it was a slam on the Christian faith, but then your cartoon made me think I must be wrong. Thanks for the clarification.

    BTW, we are in Arkansas and went to a local church for service today. The message was "finishing well." It made me think of you.

  4. Contrary to popular opinion, belief in 6 literal days of creation isnt a requirement to be Christian.

  5. Maybe in some circles it is i suppose. There is alot of debate and confusion surrounding this topic. Many non-believers are scared away from a personal relationship with Christ because they are told they have to believe in a literal 6 days of creation. Just wanted to make sure poeple know they can come to the Lord regardless of their view of creation. And, that current christians need not make it a point of contention, it does more harm than good.

  6. oooohhhhhh.....ok, now I understand, and I agree with your point. thanks for the thought. it's funny what we make "essential" for somoeone to come to faith, isn't it? All Jesus required is faith alone in him alone. why do we make it so hard?

  7. Great question...Pride and fear would be my guess. The human mind has a difficult time accepting the mystery of God. It naturally then creates an elaborate system of dogmatics to give it comfort. Anything or anyone that challenges our "understanding" is viewed as a threat. We then do whatever we can to defend our fort. Pride and fear.
