Sunday, July 06, 2008

Feeling challenged

I'm about half way through a biography of George Muller. I had always wanted to read about his life, but simply hadn't done it until now. I must tell you that I'm very challenged by his life and choices. Even at a young age he made choices to trust God and walk with him that would seem daunting for most of us even today. I'm sure that's why he has become such a figure in the Christian world. Men like Muller are rare in the church or the world. He started ministries and asked no man for anything, but simply went into his closet and prayed. God met each need, and thousands of orphans were cared for and taught the word of God. How do men and women like this happen? What is it about a man that sets him apart from those around him? What do I need to do (that I haven't done already) to be a man completely sold out to God and his work in my life? I must tell you that I'm very challenged and convicted by this book, and working through what I need to in my life. I don't really want fame in this world, but I do want to be, like king David and George Muller, a man after God's heart.
“The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray.” - George Muller quote


  1. I read a biography of Muller to my children a number of years ago. An amazing saint. I try to remember that God doesn't expect all of us to do what George Muller did. However, I am fairly confident I do not fully give myself to His will. I wonder what all I would do for Him if I just surrendered my life fully.

  2. I'm working on that hairdo myself--very cool (?). Missed y'all in Colorado this year... I hope you and Joye and family are well!

    --Pastor Kendra's husband
