Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Packaged religion

I am reading a lot about investigations into "ministries" and "ministers" who are taking advantage of the gifts given to their ministries. I'm not surprised. It's not a new problem. It's just a new version of the old snake oil salesmen of past years.

Men and women who promise miracles to those who "buy" their product, but after they leave town those who have given their money for the "miracle product" find out that they are no better off, and the promises were a lie.

These new snake oil salesmen travel as "ministers" and promise great things "if you only have enough faith." The truth is that they have twisted the word of God and are making money at the expense of people who can ill afford giving it up. These "ministers" travel in private jets, drive expensive cars and indulge their desires thinking they are "serving God." The book of Jude talks about these's not a new problem. These men and women are liars, cheats, and deceivers. Their lifestyles and promises have hurt the gospel message and confused millions. They promise wealth and health, but the only ones who seem benefited by their promises are themselves.

Personally, I am glad to see the investigations happen. These men who are lying about God and the gospel message need to be exposed. It's just a shame they claim to be speaking for God. But God will defend himself. His message will still be told, and lost men and women who need a savior will still come to him. For that I am glad. God will guard his gospel, and the snake oil salesmen of our day will be found out.

I just feel bad for all of those who have bought their "dehydrated water" and the promises they make. As God said to Jeremiah about the false prophets of his day, "I neither sent them nor spoke to them." And so it is today.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Mike,

    I’m reluctant at this point to say that the “ministries” or “ministers” have taken advantage of gifts bestowed upon them. However, if turns out to be true, then I'm also not surprised. True, it's not a new problem; I like to reference Philippians 1: 15-18. If it turns out that there were improprieties occurring, that is very SAD; because unfortunately it hurts all of us. I fully believe that if God wants to bless a minister or ministries with private jets, expensive cars, etc. - God can; as long as we’re clear that the gifts are from Him and based on nothing we’ve done, only on what He has done through us. Non-believers whether in the U.S. or outside of the U.S. most likely will view these “ministries” or “ministers” as typical for Christians and make the battle so much harder for the rest of us. Christians probably will jump on the condemnation bandwagon. In reality this is simply a reminder to me that I do have a responsibility to be discerning and must refrain from putting my “confidence in the flesh.” But again in our gluttonous society it’s sometimes so easy to sit down and be fed, especially when you’re being fed steak and lobster. Thanks for the reminder Mike.

    Have a blessed day,
