Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The balancing act

I see a real challenge in my life and the lives of those I know- how to balance all that we have going on and not fall. It's demanding- work, family, faith, rest.....the days fill up so quickly. To balance it all sure seems like a stretch at times. The pull from this....the draw from that. I HAVE TO be here, I HAVE TO do that, we SHOULD go there.

It's an amazing balancing act that demands the best from us. How to balance...that is the question. It demands some decisions- what's important to me? What do I value? What must I say "no" to? We simply can't say "yes" to all that pulls on what to do?

One of my fellow pastors, Dave, describes it this way, "God doesn't invite us to live a balanced Christian life. What would that look like anyway? He invites us to give ourselves wholly to him, and let him lead and work in our lives." (The quote may not be exact, but I have the flavor of his thoughts.) I agree with Dave. A balanced life is not the goal. The goal is a life given wholly to God for his use and direction....then it's just a matter of "checking with the boss" on how to manage the rest.


  1. wow I know that accurately describes our family's life right now!!! Great post and what a fantastic picture!!!

  2. That's great news! I'll stop balancing right away. Of course you know that I've always been terribly unbalanced. (ha)

    The picture was priceless!!

  3. Great thoughts, Mike--thank you! I know you and I have visited about this before. I was reminded of Chambers' February 9 devotional.
