Monday, November 12, 2007

Wandering in the desert

I have tried to write this piece a number of times now, and each time I have erased it all and started over. I can't seem to get it in the right words. Maybe I'm trying to be preachy or something. I don't know, but it just hasn't worked right. So let me try one more time.
What I am thinking about is our tendency to wander away from God and his family...that's the thought I'm working on. It's been a problem in my life, and as I watch others I know it's a chronic problem in the community of faith. We go wandering so easily, but often don't realize that when we wander from the family of faith all that is out there is desert. It's as if the family of faith is positioned in an oasis somewhere, and if you leave it, whatever direction you go, all you find is desert. As I have wandered away from God over the years I have never found anything but desert out there. There are no other oasis' that do what God's family does, but I still see believers wandering out into the desert far too often. I just got a note from one of our wanderers this week, and she shared with me her desert experiences. She didn't find anything out there either.
So, rather than write some preachy post that doesn't really accomplish what I want let me invite you to share your "wandering stories" and tell what you experienced. When you wandered from God and his family what did you find? As I watch many head off into the desert I would like to call out to them and tell them to come back, there is nothing out there, but I know they wouldn't believe me. They have to find out themselves. I just pray they can find their way back to the oasis......
So, what's your "wandering story?"


  1. I am sorry this has nothing to do with your post but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!!! I may be a day late but I saw on Joye's blog that your birthday was the other day and I had to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope it was a good one!

  2. I think when I see people wander, I realize God is going to use that time to teach them something and cause them to rejoice in him more when they return. Granted, not everyone will return. However, those that do will experience pure refreshment -- like the best glass of cold water after a long, hot walk. I know God allowed me to stray, allowed me to make absolutely horrible decisions, allowed me to try it on my own, and then pulled me back to him to use those experiences to be a better witness. The new creation is an amazing testimony. Yes, I still venture to the edge of the desert, but I quickly thirst for his living water. I have seen both sides. The desert is not a place where I want to live.

  3. my question is why do we ever wander? I mean how many times do I start to do the prayer thing early in the morning and try to do my devotional and then something happens after a month or two and I stop. I see such a difference in my life when I make that special prayer and devotional time, why do I ever stop and let things get in the way? I find I go in cycles of that. I have just started up early prayer and reading time again. But sadly I am so scared because I just assume that something will happen at some point and I will go through the cycle again. I know that is a horrible mindset but I am just being honest. I am thankful God is so forgiving and loving of us.

    I have literally moved to the desert about 10 months ago now. And it has felt like a wandering experience trying to regain our footing and figure out what we are doing and what God has been trying to teach us. God has had us on a crash course it seems like. But it has been good, not easy or fun, but good and I am thankful for everything He has been teaching us. I guess if we didnt' have wandering experiences we would never mature or grow. So I guess we should even be thankful for the desert and the dry places in our lives from time to time. God uses everything to our good. He is a good Dad!
