Thursday, November 15, 2007


Thanksgiving is next week here in America. It's a unique holiday to our country. A time to say "thank you" to God for all he has provided. This is a really interesting holiday in our culture in recent years. Thanksgiving has become a time for food and football. It's also the weekend to begin Christmas shopping. Thanking God for his blessings? It's just the prayer for the food, if one is offered at all. The truth is that many in our culture would pray Bart Simpson's prayer, "Lord, thanks for nothing. We bought all this stuff ourselves."

Personally, I know that all I have comes from God's gracious hand, but I wonder how many in our culture think the same way I do. I would guess that many look at this as just an extended holiday weekend....a great time for family, food and football.

To be thankful to God for anything there must be an admission that he provided it. If it's true that God is the provider then all that I have came from him. As one who is grateful for something I didn't earn or deserve I do want to say "thank you" to the giver. This Thanksgiving I plan to take some personal time and talk to my God and provider to just say "thank you" for all he has done. We are so blessed.....thank you Lord.

"Cultivate the thankful Spirit! It will be to you a perpetual feast."
-John R. MacDuff (1818-1895)

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